
Twenty Projects Vanilla Javascript

20 projects basic using HTML, CSS and Javascript

Projects Basic Javascript

No Name Demo Website Source URL
1 Modal Visit Florin Pop Link Here
2 To do list Visit Sekolah Koding Link Here
3 Countdown new year Visit One Tutorial Link Here
4 Image random Visit Salvando el semestre Link Here
5 Quotes Random Visit Learn Webdev Link Here
6 Calculator Visit One Tutorial Link Here
7 Youtube playlist Visit Sekolah Koding Link Here
8 Dark mode Visit Sekolah Koding Link Here
9 Carousel image Visit Dev Ed Link Here
10 Intersection observer Visit Design Course Link Here
11 Infinite scrolling Visit Florin Pop Link Here
12 Scroll effect Visit Design Course Link Here
13 Preview image Visit dcode Link Here
14 Copy button Visit dcode Link Here
15 Type writting effect Visit Dev Ed Link Here

Projects With API

No Name Source URL API Auth
16 Pokedex Florin Pop Link Here Here No
17 Random Joke Florin Pop Link Here Here No
18 Recipes API - - Here No

Personal Projects

No Name Demo Website
19 Portfolio Visit
20 Pomodoro Website - Pomoline Visit